Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gut Reactions: The Big 3 Bailout

Moar like the Big 3 Fail It, Am I right? Yes, I am right, and it's time for another round of Gut Reactions. This time, we'll be talking about the Big 3 Automakers who are asking for like 34 Billion Dollars to fix their broke ass companies. Now, as I recently told the tow-truck driver and my mechanic, I don't know shit about cars, nor do I really know shit about business. I'm watching C-Span right now, seeing a bunch of asshole senators and a bunch of asshole automakers jerking eachother off. Fuck that, here's my five point plan for the US Auto Industry

  1. Give them the money-- this keeps jobs in America, and can help bolster consumer confidence
  2. Temporarily nationalize the industries-- If they're getting our money, we're in charge.
  3. Cut CEO Salaries-- You don't deserve millions of dollars a year if you're fucking up
  4. Force the US auto industry to make only electric and plug-in hybrid cars, or at the very least to massively upgrade their gas mileage-- you can't sell shit without a unique selling proposition, in this case, you can lean on the government's support to bring a cheap all electric car to the marketplace, and that shit will sell like gangbusters, meaning
  5. Only lift the oversight board, the temporary nationalization when the $34 billion is paid back with interest.
TL;DR: Use that $34 billion dollars to make America a nation of electric cars.

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