Monday, December 15, 2008

Culture: Hope Poster Round-Up

Politics aside, I think that Shepard Fairey's 'Hope' and 'Change' (Progress was really weak) posters were extremely important culturally speaking. Fairey, who spent the past like 10 years doing the same thing (though extremely well--Obey Giant is always cool) achieved an unprecedented level of notoriety for his iconic images of My Fucking Hero Barack Obama. In honor of that, here are a bunch of epic internets revisions. I have selected a few of my faves, not on political lines but based on creativity, humor and technical proficiency.

All images were found on encyclopedia dramatica,, and this place, which has a great selection of these images. That last one, poster place, has links to the original artists who did this baller work. I actually made one of that broad I get around with for her birthday, so I know the amount of effort that goes into making even a simple image, so bravo to all you internet geniuses.

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