Sunday, March 22, 2009

Foot Candy

I am in the midst of a recession, working as an unpaid intern, and as such I have been doing a lot of browser-window shopping. I haven't owned a pair of Nikes in a grip of years, but I'm thinking about changing that as soon as I come into some paper. Further intensifying this desire are the epic fucking user-designs you can put together in nike's customizing shop. As I suck at basketball, I opted for the Action Sports section, but you can do this shit to anything you want. Epic.

In honor of my Trojans kicking ass in the NCAA tourney:

And in honor of me being a steezy motherfucker:

Holy shit. Still, things could be worse, at least I'm not lusting after the Louis Vuitton Kanye West Sneaks (thanks Black Raibow):

Or else, the fucking dominating new Chinese Air Force 1s, which admittedly I mainly want for the box: PS, HighSnobiety is my new fave:

Oh god... Sorry, I'm kind of having a little fauxmosexual freak out here. Anyway, if you're broke like I am, a nice cheap compromise can be checking out this shit.

This dude Ian has assembled a ton of lacing techniques, which was something I didn't even give a shit about until I realized it was an effective way of taking my mind of my shit being in ruins. Some highlights:

This, I couldn't actually make work:

But this was pretty easy:

The Line method, coupled with some nice new red laces, have helped me to fall in love with my chucks all over again. Anyway, I'm currently twitter following a number of steez based blogs and site sand shit so I'm hoping to be blogging some more steez myself in the future.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Everyone on the internet hates you

Schadenfreude, it's a synonym for lulz. It means taking joy in the pain and suffering of others. Encyclopedia Dramatica defines lulz thusly:
"Lulz is laughter at someone else's expense (from the German concept of "Schadenfreude".) This makes it inherently superior to lesser forms of humor. Just as the element of surprise transforms the physical act of love into something beautiful, the anguish of a laughed-at victim transforms lol into lulz, making it longer, girthier, and more pleasurable. Lulz is engaged in by Internet users who have witnessed one major economic/environmental/political disaster too many, and who thus view a state of voluntary, gleeful sociopathy over the world's current apocalyptic state, as superior to being continually emo." - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Anyway, even you have probably heard of, which is one of the few contemporary examples of something that the mainstream (read, people I am frenemies with on facebook) enjoy, that is not complete crap. Fmylife (named that because the owner is a pussy, afraid of saying fuck? Needs verification) basically has people post a short story about something shitty that has happened to them, and then the rest of the world votes whether or not it was their fault.

Here are some gems:

The best part about this site, though, is the fact that no matter what has happened to you, somebody thinks it's your fault:

Or maybe even 2,000 people. Nice.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shit is SO cash

I never got into this game when I was little, not having much in the way of musical talent, but I can still appreciate this shit:

and my favorite:

alright, don't worry, I got like 10 more blog posts in the works, that was just the easiest. Love you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Gut Reaction: Fuck the Dow Jones

It must be nice to be in charge of a major corporation. In addition to being able to count on a government bailout when you fuck up at your job, you can also blame your fuck-ups on the government when you continue to fail at the task you are given millions of dollars to do.

John Stewart recently made an (increasingly rare) good observation on the current stock situation:

jesus christ that's a long embed code. Thanks a lot Viacom, you fucking piece of shit, as if anyone has ever wanted to hear about your shitty jokes of the day. Anyway, the point Stewart makes is that the Dow Jones isn't an indication of fucking anything. That's a solid point, but here's another, better one, from me:

The financial sector seems to be coming out to say, "People don't want to invest in our company because they have no confidence in President Obama's Stimulus Package." Why don't we apply Occam's Razor for a minute... Maybe people don't want to invest in stocks becuase most companies seem to be fucking up and because we all know that Stockbrokers are a bunch of goddamn con artists. Maybe people don't want to invest because they have less money because bullshit companies have been jacking up prices on basic items like grocery store produce, originally made more expensive due to rising gas costs, but which have remained stagnant. Maybe people don't want to invest because no matter how nice your suit is, you are all still just fucking gambling.

TL;DR-- fuck you, suit.